
Carbon-10+Organically grown seed

So much to say here. Let’s start by saying that Carbon has been my favorite #1 black/purple tomato for years, above Cherokee Purple even.  It has won so many tomato awards I can’t list them all. The history and country of origin is un-known with the earliest information coming from Seed Savers 1998 yearbook listing by George Weiss of North Babylon, NY. Unfortunately, Mr. Weiss did not include his source for seed or any historical information.

Carbon is one of the darkest of all the purple tomatoes. Very crack resistant and a big producer. Large to mid-size fruits that are so sweet it could be mistaken for a strawberry or peach. Although the seed is not hard to find, I realized it was a little strange that I don’t sell the seed for one of my favorite tomatoes. We corrected that this year and now offer fresh from the garden seed.

If you are a fan of the purple/black tomatoes, we highly recommend Carbon. One of our tomato rockstars.


Regular Leaf

Mid Season